Concha y Toro

Concha y Toro 02/08/2024

CyT News

Excellent participation in Premium Tasting 2024


Along with the winemakers Marcelo Papa and Marcio Ramírez, Concha y Toro took part in the seventh edition of Premium Tasting, one of the most relevant wine industry events in Chile.  

On July 25th and 26th, the seventh edition of Premium Tasting Chile took place at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Concha y Toro participated with their high-end brands: Marques de Casa Concha Heritage and Carmín de Peumo.

Marcio Ramírez, the winemaker for Carmín de Peumo, was one of 18 speakers at the seminar on “The Diversity of Chile in the European Market,” led by the renowned Argentine sommelier Paz Levinson. During the event, Marcio presented the 2021 vintage of Concha y Toro’s iconic Carmenere, Carmín de Peumo, a wine that has received high accolades, including 97 points from Guía Descorchados, Tim Atkin, and James Suckling.  

On the second day, the Tasting Central event featured a blind tasting led by Paz Levinson and Chilean wine critic Patricio Tapia. The event highlighted the best representatives of local viticulture according to the world’s most influential critics and specialized media. Marcelo Papa was one of the 38 experts invited to present their wines, introducing the 2021 vintage of Marques de Casa Concha Heritage. He emphasized the hundred-year-old vineyard, El Mariscal, located in the D.O. Puente Alto and the distinctive characteristics of this ultra-premium Cabernet Sauvignon. 

It was an excellent opportunity to showcase our two great wines from the renowned Denominations of Origin Peumo and Puente Alto.   

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