Because on August 18th it was Pinot Noir Day, also known as the heartbreaker wine grape, since it is the most difficult to grow, this time we are going to tell you some curiosities about this elegant and delicate red variety.
1- Is part of a family
Did you know that the wine grapes that begin with the word pinot are different expressions of the same variety? We mean Pinot Noir (black), Pinot Grigio (gray), Pinot Blanc (white) and Pinot Meunier (red), although there are many more. All of them are colour mutations / clones of the same grape: Pinot Noir. That is, all these varieties are from the same family because they share the same DNA.

Do they taste similar too? We invite you to check it yourself. You can try comparing the refreshing Casillero del Diablo Reserva Pinot Noir and Casillero del Diablo Pinot Grigio.
2- His name means Black Pine
Many, many years ago, when this wine grape began to be cultivated in the south of France, the French referred to it by its appearance: its cone-shaped clusters, like pine-cones, with black grapes. Hence its name in French. From the words pine (pinot) and black (noir).
3- It is Chardonnay’s cousin
Chardonnay is directly related to Pinot Noir, as it is the result of a cross between Pinot Noir and the now extinct Gouais Blanc.It Isn’t a coincidence that where you find Chardonnay, you’ll usually also find Pinot Noir too: they both like the same soils and climatic conditions. As in the case of Amelia Pinot Noir and Amelia Chardonnay in the Limarí Valley, for example.
In addition, they are the famous varieties that are used in the production of Champagne.
4- It is one of the oldest grape varieties in the world
While most of the wine varieties we normally know were created relatively recently (such as Cabernet Sauvignon, whose history is only 300 years old), the case of Pinot Noir is different. It is believed to be at least 1,000 years older than Cabernet Sauvignon, and there are indications that it already existed in Pre-Roman Europe. In fact, it was the Romans who found it in France and then spread it throughout their empire.
5- It is not only soft and delicate
Although this wine grape is characterized by delivering very fruity and light-bodied wines due to its lack of tannins, the truth is that there are Pinot Noirs that are capable of aging in the bottle for more than 20 years. You may wonder how is it possible? Well, thanks to the whole cluster fermentation technique, where the stems add a lot of tannins to the final wine.
It is always good to remember that this variety is one of the most versatile and friendly when it comes to accompanying meals. Yet another excuse to, for example, uncork Marques de Casa Concha Pinot Noir and celebrate Pinot Noir month. Cheers!